I came across this image on social media a few days ago and I felt like it was a direct message from the polyamorous gods! My Facebook page for Poly Priestess has been awash with new members as we rolled into 2019 and my own life has been awash with love and support from so many people who are close to me or who recognize that my choice to live a polyamorous lifestyle is heart-centered and authentic. Honestly, I can't think of a better way to live life than to be committed to experiencing love in all its forms and being awed by all of the beautiful ways that it shows up. I have been married for almost 13 years and our marriage has been open for the last 4 years. I sort of haphazardly labeled myself as being polyamorous right at the beginning of that with just a mild understanding that I was interested in dating and open to loving relationships with more than one man. Since then, I have been on a lot of dates and gotten to know some really amazing people. I have learned how to balance the schedules of many busy adults and become increasingly more self aware about how I function in relationships. I have learned so much about the depth of connection that we can have as humans and the role that plays in my spirituality. I have felt the swelling joy and weirdness of simultaneously being in love with two people at the same time; I have experienced the sting of having my heart broken and the unique beauty of that pain at this time in my life. Since making this commitment to, sort of, dive head-first into love, my life has changed in ways too numerous to imagine. The most amazing of these, is how much love I am able to be present to. Not only from my husband and romantic partners, but also from friends and family who all allow themselves to be present with my genuine expression of love and grace. In short, they all love me in a way that allows me to feel free; to feel held up and supported; that reminds me how important it is just to be the best version of me. When I first start talking to people about polyamory, I get the typical assumption that our marriage is open just for the sake of having sex with lots of people. Which, for some, it can be-- and if that's you -- more power to you. What happens between consenting adults doesn't require approval from me or anyone else! However, for me, it has been and continues to be about so much more. Polyamory is about a deeper experience of life and love and the magic that happens when we're committed to better communication and honesty in relationships. As someone who has mindfully been studying and teaching spiritual philosophy for the last decade, these experiences have always been a part of my willingness to be present to the deeper meaning in all human connection and how being a presence of Love in the world is filled with limitless possibility. The truth is, polyamory means something unique to every person who lives it, talks about, or is just curious about it. The beauty in that diversity of ideas and experiences exemplifies polyamory and all non-traditional relationship structures. We're all here to love and it's not up to anyone else to decide for us what that's going to look like or how the experience of loving shows up in the expression of our lives. One of my intentions for 2019 is to embrace this Poly Priestess moniker I have assigned myself; to be more open expressing this truth on my spiritual journey; and create space for others to know they are supported in loving the way that they love. So, I'm glad you found your way here and I'm looking forward to seeing all the connections that begin here. Much Love, Amanda aka Poly Priestess
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AmandaPolyamorous Archives
June 2019